Admissions Going on for the upcoming Session 2025-2026

Assessment & Promotion

Assessment & Promotion

  • Promotion at the end of the year will be based on attendance, continuous assessment in each subject throughout the year, and the overall conduct record.
  • Continuous assessments aim to ensure regularity among students. Unit tests and class tests are essential components of continuous assessment and contribute to student progress.
  • There will be no provision for supplementary tests for students who fail in any subject or are absent from any assessment, unit test, or class test.
  • Failure to appear for any assessment can significantly affect a student’s academic progress and promotion. Students must attend full-day classes; they should not come to school only to take a test and leave afterward.
  • Breach of examination conduct regulations or use of unfair means will result in the cancellation of the specific paper, with the student receiving a zero. Repeated misconduct may lead to debarment from all examinations.
  • There are no arrangements for “re-examination” or “promotion on trial.” Sick children should not be sent to school.
  • A student who fails to secure promotion may be asked to leave the school. A pupil failing at the end of the year will not remain on the rolls unless parents or guardians notify the principal in advance of their wish for the student to continue.
  • Answer sheets for Unit Tests I and II will be shown to parents/guardians. However, answer sheets for Half-Yearly and Annual examinations will not be shown, and applications for mark verification will not be entertained.
  • Progress reports of tests and examinations will be presented to parents, who must duly sign them.
  • Reports must be collected by parents/guardians on the stipulated day. Defaulters may incur a penalty and may not be allowed to attend school until the report is collected. Report cards must be signed by the guardian.
  • A minimum attendance of 90% is required to sit for the final examination.
  • In all matters regarding promotion or failure, the Principal’s decision is final and cannot be reconsidered.